The restaurant was founded in 2004 from an idea by Marcella and Stefano and since then they worked in order  to give an elegant and stylish setting.

The desire to welcome their guests in the best way, combined with the belief that one can arrive quickly to a consistent growth in the quality of service they offered, brought, almost immediately success.

The goal for a hight quality level, together with the sacrifices and dedication to this profession, has done and is doing the proposal of the Spirito Divino, wich is to become one of the best of Iseo lake.

This growth, in constant progression, allways found by the loyal customer, it doesen’t fail to impress even the casual diners, giving a source of great pride and satisfaction for the two young restaurateurs whom even though they see already established the foundations of their success, never loses the joy of growing in order to offer always the very best!


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